Thursday, May 3, 2012

What the hell was I thinking????

OK so I got home from work earlier than usual and made me a steamables dinner, only 8 points, then ate a serving (24 chips) of the new Special K Cracker Chips new chedder flavor. Yum.  That should have been it for dinner right? Then I went to a meeting and when I got home I was starving, it was as if I had a free for all at a chineese buffet and was hungry 20 minutes later.  Maybe it was the stress of the meeting, maybe it was the Steamables Macaroni and Cheese pasta with Broccoli, or maybe it was the peice of burnt brownie that I couldnt help but pop into my mouth while I was waiting for the freaking dinner to cook.  So here I am already had my nightly dessert of a frozen yogurt Creamie, (my nightly chocolate indulgance) and suddenly its 10:45 PM and I really am still hungry.  Did I make a good choice and eat some fruit or a healthy crunchy vegitable? Hell no, All I could hear calling my name at that point was the Marie Calendars Chicken Pot Pies I had made for the family to eat while I was at the meeting. I really do blame them, why can't they just eat everything I make and not leave any leftovers?

So I shamelessly, well not shamelessly, devoured the hole large pie before I could change my mind and put it down, walk away, show some restraint, but did I?  Nope, I suck. but it was really yummy :(

I don't even want to know how many points I went over last night, so first thing thismorning I ran to the store and bought some fruits and healthy snacks for work, and a salad, No excuses.

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