Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

My nemesis, my downfall, my doom, my favorite, this is what my sweet son Joshua got me for mother’s day. It is my very favorite dessert but it was also the bane of my existence all weekend.  He brought it home on Thursday and said we couldn’t leave town until I saw what he got me for mother’s day. Well, I couldn’t have been more pleased.  Though I am trying out this new, Eating myself to a healthier better me, this cake was a small setback and something I just  like to call living life.  So in contrast this weekend is being renamed Eating myself to actual sickness, but I loved every minute of it, (except the getting sick part) “OSIK” an Over Share I Know.
We stayed at my dad’s and took the cake with us, It innocently sat on the kitchen counter, (in retrospect I found out you are supposed to keep refrigerated), Maybe that was the reason for the sudden illness :/  but it was well worth it.  Every time I walked by the kitchen it seemed to scream at me from beneath it’s flap, EAT ME, EAT ME, I felt like I was Alice in Wonderland and this delightful dark, chocolate chip filled frosted confection was the ticket to my growth or shrinkage.  Now I am sure that it didn’t help at all with my shrinkage so I am devastatingly dreading my weigh in tomorrow. As I am sure I have effectively sabotaged the already 10.4 pounds that I have lost already.  Tomorrow is another day!

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