Tuesday, May 1, 2012


OK, so i HAVE learned something about myself during this journey of eating healthier. BEFORE "I care way too much about food!" how did i get this way? As soon as i wake up in the morning I want to plan my food for the day, what am i having for lunch? what will I fix for dinner? Not that I cook all that often, I eat whatever my heart desires. For someone like me who needs that instant gratification in my life that could be a dangerous game. So here it is, finally time to get life insurance and I end up on this self reflective journey of eating better and I am actually enjoying it. AFTER Now, I do care about food, only in a different way. Less about what i am going to do to saciate my every craving and more to do with, What can I eat that will fill me up?, What will give me the fuel I need?, and introduce to my family as something appealing that they will actually eat and enjoy. I saw this quote and wanted to not forget it so here it goes!

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