Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not Perfect

I am not perfect, but if you know me than you know that already. I ate so great on my first three trips this year, but this last one was a killer.  Traveling is fun, I LOVE my job, I love to teach and meet new people and I love to make people laugh.  Manchester New Hampshire was such a hard show to work because there were so many great opportinities to eat the WRONG thing.  I know I should have more self restraint but I don't, lets be honest.

The first night we were in town we went to Goldenrod Drive in for Ice Cream.  I was going to be good, I though, I will only get a non fat or low fat treat. But when I got to the window they laughed at me, so this is the official first time I ever CHEATED on this, "Were not calling this a Diet, Diet!"
I had a childs cone, chocolate chip, and I ate every bit of it and loved it even more than I should have. talk about having a relationship with your food. :/

Another night we went to Margaritas, I feel like Mexican food is pretty safe, I generally stick with fajita's and such but they had these mini chimichangas that I just had to have so I only ate half of what was on my plate. This is why I try to never dip into my extra 49 points that I am given because when you eat out so much it's really hard to know exactly how much you are really eating!

After Margarita's we all rushed to Ben and Jerry's for ice cream, because they closed at 10 and we wanted to get thier before they closed. Again I went with good intentions, but again they laughed at me when I asked if they had any low fat/fat free options. So I ordered the Fisch food, child cone, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME, I feel like a pot smoker in the middle of a marajuana field, I have no self control what so ever in New Hampshire.  I ended up eating only the top of the cone, pushing the ice cream down into the cone as I walked briskly back to the hotel, because in my mind If I am walking at a quick pace the calories can't catch up with me right?  well, we will see. My weight in is tonight.

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