Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

I Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend.  We are headed down south to see my dad.  Josh leaves for Boot Camp in 16 short days so this holiday is Bitter Sweet for all of us.
Have a good one and be safe!

Friday, May 25, 2012

I had NO IDEA!

OK, so I went to film a bit in Colorado for work this week and as I was continueing on with my struggle to lose wait and looking at playback from some other taping sessions, I made a desicion.  I needed to do something quick and though WW was working it just wasn't working fast enough for me.

I ran to walmart to get a new shirt, and thought, what about a girdle?  Girdle is such a weird name to call something that goes on your body but indeed that is what it was. It worked, it was delightful and it sucked me in like a stuffed sausage, Amazing, this little peice of spandex was the answer to all of my wishes in the wind, all of my hopes and most of my dreams.  By no means did the delightful peices of material turn me into a size two, (I have never even seen a size two) But it did flatten out my jelly rolls and make my groceries (Girl's, (boob's)) stick out more than my gut, for which there are not enough thank you's in the world.  I am saved. Thank you walmart and for the delightful peice of fabric restraint that made me just a bit more confident.  I will never get in front of a camera without it again!

I thought this was fitting LOL
Well, that is why we are here right? to experience life to learn to succeed and to fail?  Or am I just making excuses because I really want a hamburger for lunch today?  Maybe I am making excuses but such is life.
Diets Don't Work, because what I really need to be doing is eating right all the time and changing my lifestyle. (I learned that at weight watchers)  So until I am planning on being more commited to a more healthy lifestyle, I will give myself a break. Isn't it horrible that I feel like I need a break from eating healthy, something is definately wrong with me :/

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

My nemesis, my downfall, my doom, my favorite, this is what my sweet son Joshua got me for mother’s day. It is my very favorite dessert but it was also the bane of my existence all weekend.  He brought it home on Thursday and said we couldn’t leave town until I saw what he got me for mother’s day. Well, I couldn’t have been more pleased.  Though I am trying out this new, Eating myself to a healthier better me, this cake was a small setback and something I just  like to call living life.  So in contrast this weekend is being renamed Eating myself to actual sickness, but I loved every minute of it, (except the getting sick part) “OSIK” an Over Share I Know.
We stayed at my dad’s and took the cake with us, It innocently sat on the kitchen counter, (in retrospect I found out you are supposed to keep refrigerated), Maybe that was the reason for the sudden illness :/  but it was well worth it.  Every time I walked by the kitchen it seemed to scream at me from beneath it’s flap, EAT ME, EAT ME, I felt like I was Alice in Wonderland and this delightful dark, chocolate chip filled frosted confection was the ticket to my growth or shrinkage.  Now I am sure that it didn’t help at all with my shrinkage so I am devastatingly dreading my weigh in tomorrow. As I am sure I have effectively sabotaged the already 10.4 pounds that I have lost already.  Tomorrow is another day!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Praise Papa Murphy's

I love me some pizza, some nights the homemade stuff just doesn't do it for me, sooooo. I discovered thankfully that Papa Murphy's has what I lovingly like to refer to a, "I'm trying to eat healthy" persons dream.  Hells Ya on this one. I ordered one Family size Bacon, artichoke, spinach, chicken DeLite pizza, and one BBQ chicken DeLite Pizza. These amazing gifts from above come on a delightfully crunchy thin crust. I could have eaten three peices easily but thankfully Boomer got on the counter and treated his other doggie friends to half of the artichoke pizza before I could drag my sorry but up the stairs for another piece. (lets be honest, I was going to send one of the girls to get me another piece) Each 1/10th of the Family size pizza's was either 4 or 5 points each so if you have had a good day and saved up your points for a sweet treat that night three pieces would have only cost you 5 points at most.  Um pretty freaking amazing if you ask me!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Skinny Chunky Monkey Cookies Recipe:

3 ripe bananas
2 cups old-fashioned oats
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350°F. Mash bananas in a large bowl, then stir in remaining ingredients. Let batter stand for approximately 20 minutes, then drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes.

Freezing Directions:
Cool completely, then place cookies in a freezer bag. Seal, label, and freeze.

Nutritional Information (per cookie):
47 calories; 7.5 g carbs; 1.6 g fat; 1.5 g protein; 1.3 g fiber; 1 WW PointsPlus

Check out the 6 sisters website at

What the hell was I thinking????

OK so I got home from work earlier than usual and made me a steamables dinner, only 8 points, then ate a serving (24 chips) of the new Special K Cracker Chips new chedder flavor. Yum.  That should have been it for dinner right? Then I went to a meeting and when I got home I was starving, it was as if I had a free for all at a chineese buffet and was hungry 20 minutes later.  Maybe it was the stress of the meeting, maybe it was the Steamables Macaroni and Cheese pasta with Broccoli, or maybe it was the peice of burnt brownie that I couldnt help but pop into my mouth while I was waiting for the freaking dinner to cook.  So here I am already had my nightly dessert of a frozen yogurt Creamie, (my nightly chocolate indulgance) and suddenly its 10:45 PM and I really am still hungry.  Did I make a good choice and eat some fruit or a healthy crunchy vegitable? Hell no, All I could hear calling my name at that point was the Marie Calendars Chicken Pot Pies I had made for the family to eat while I was at the meeting. I really do blame them, why can't they just eat everything I make and not leave any leftovers?

So I shamelessly, well not shamelessly, devoured the hole large pie before I could change my mind and put it down, walk away, show some restraint, but did I?  Nope, I suck. but it was really yummy :(

I don't even want to know how many points I went over last night, so first thing thismorning I ran to the store and bought some fruits and healthy snacks for work, and a salad, No excuses.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

OK, So I weighed in last night, down 8.8 pounds, I think I want to make these cookies tonight, maybe with some enchiladas, found this great website called skinny taste and all I can say is Dang Gina, these look fabulous!

Best Low-fat Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever

I am SO excited to share this
Skinny Chocolate Chip Cookie
recipe with all of you!! I didn't think it possible to make a low-fat chocolate chip cookie that was soft and chewy in the center with just the right amount of crunch on the edges, and made with half whole wheat flour and only two tablespoons of butter in the entire batch!

Trust me, I've tried many recipes and the results were just ok, some were cake-y which I don't particularly care for in a cookie, and sometimes too crispy. These cookies are chewy, soft, sweet perfection! I even gave them to a group of unsuspecting teenagers who had no idea they were skinny and they LOVED them. But I must warn you, it's hard to stop at just one, so make sure you have the will power to stop at two cookies, or friends to share these with.

Skinny Low-fat Chocolate Chip Cookies 
Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
Servings: 12 • Size: 2 cookies • Old Points: 4 pts • Points+: 5 pts
Calories: 170.7 • Fat: 5.0 g • Protein: 1.4 g • Carb: 34.5 g • Fiber: 1.4 g • Sugar: 25.4 g
Sodium: 113.1 mg
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter, melted
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tbsp apple sauce
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350°.  Line two cookie sheets with non-stick silicone baking liners such as Silpats (I highly recommend for best results) or lightly spray cookie sheets with cooking spray.
In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt and stir to blend. In another bowl, whisk the sugars, butter, egg white, applesauce and vanilla together until light and fluffy.

the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in two additions until the batter is very well blended. If the batter looks more “crumbly” than smooth,
just a drop of water at a time (ONLY if needed) until it smooths out.

Fold in
chocolate chips.


by level spoonfuls about 1 inch apart onto baking sheets.

8 - 10 minutes.
from the oven, and let them
5 minutes before removing the cookies from the pans to cool on wire racks.

Makes 2 dozen cookies.

Adapted from Cooking Done Light.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not Perfect

I am not perfect, but if you know me than you know that already. I ate so great on my first three trips this year, but this last one was a killer.  Traveling is fun, I LOVE my job, I love to teach and meet new people and I love to make people laugh.  Manchester New Hampshire was such a hard show to work because there were so many great opportinities to eat the WRONG thing.  I know I should have more self restraint but I don't, lets be honest.

The first night we were in town we went to Goldenrod Drive in for Ice Cream.  I was going to be good, I though, I will only get a non fat or low fat treat. But when I got to the window they laughed at me, so this is the official first time I ever CHEATED on this, "Were not calling this a Diet, Diet!"
I had a childs cone, chocolate chip, and I ate every bit of it and loved it even more than I should have. talk about having a relationship with your food. :/

Another night we went to Margaritas, I feel like Mexican food is pretty safe, I generally stick with fajita's and such but they had these mini chimichangas that I just had to have so I only ate half of what was on my plate. This is why I try to never dip into my extra 49 points that I am given because when you eat out so much it's really hard to know exactly how much you are really eating!

After Margarita's we all rushed to Ben and Jerry's for ice cream, because they closed at 10 and we wanted to get thier before they closed. Again I went with good intentions, but again they laughed at me when I asked if they had any low fat/fat free options. So I ordered the Fisch food, child cone, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME, I feel like a pot smoker in the middle of a marajuana field, I have no self control what so ever in New Hampshire.  I ended up eating only the top of the cone, pushing the ice cream down into the cone as I walked briskly back to the hotel, because in my mind If I am walking at a quick pace the calories can't catch up with me right?  well, we will see. My weight in is tonight.

Hells Ya on the 10 PP Subway Sandwhich

Um, pretty much this was delicioso, I loved it, I added a ton of veggies and topped it with their Fat free terriyaki sauce. This is something that I can see myself ordering over and over again!


OK, so i HAVE learned something about myself during this journey of eating healthier. BEFORE "I care way too much about food!" how did i get this way? As soon as i wake up in the morning I want to plan my food for the day, what am i having for lunch? what will I fix for dinner? Not that I cook all that often, I eat whatever my heart desires. For someone like me who needs that instant gratification in my life that could be a dangerous game. So here it is, finally time to get life insurance and I end up on this self reflective journey of eating better and I am actually enjoying it. AFTER Now, I do care about food, only in a different way. Less about what i am going to do to saciate my every craving and more to do with, What can I eat that will fill me up?, What will give me the fuel I need?, and introduce to my family as something appealing that they will actually eat and enjoy. I saw this quote and wanted to not forget it so here it goes!